Self-Care Resources for New Moms

 Physical Self-Care

Motherhood Network (prenatal yoga, Mommy and Me yoga, prenatal massage)

Alcove Yoga (prenatal yoga)

Fit4Mom (stroller strides)

Hike it Baby (visit website to find your local hiking community. Each chapter also has a Facebook page)

Join a mom walking group on

West University Wellness (prenatal and postpartum massages, restorative yoga classes, and Reiki energy work)

Frame Dance Productions (baby-wearing dance class starts Fall 2021)

Yogaleena Studio (Yogaleena Mama Pod sessions will start in Fall 2021. Sessions will incorporate a yoga practice with discussion topics relevant to the experience of motherhood)

Emotional/Mental Self-Care


Mom & Mind - podcast that focuses on providing honest discussion about maternal mental health struggles. The host interviews parents as well as professionals in the field of perinatal mental health.

Totally Mommy - two hilarious mom friends discuss the highs and lows of motherhood

Moms Unscripted - hosts discuss all things motherhood

Mindful Mamas (app) - a mindfulness app designed especially for moms

Practice Daily Affirmations - free printable coping cards

Intellectual Self-Care

Helpful Reading

The Calm Pregnancy Workbook: Manage Anxiety and Worry with CBT and Mindfulness Techniques by Dr. Katayne Kaeni

And Baby Makes Three: The Six-Step Plan for Preserving Marital Intimacy and Rekindling Romance After Baby Arrives by John Gottman

The Motherly Guide to Becoming a Mama: Redefining the Pregnancy, Birth, and Postpartum Journey by Jill Koziol

Good Moms Have Scary Thoughts: A Healing Guide to the Secret Fears of New Mothers by Karen Kleiman and Molly Mclntyre

Social Self-Care

General Support

Postpartum Support International offers support groups in a variety of formats has various mom groups in Houston

Heart of Houston (Whole Heart Collective) - Support groups and community activities

Feeding Support

The Lactation Foundation (groups are not currently meeting due to COVID-19)

La Leche League offers general information as well as breastfeeding support groups.

Formula Feeding Mommies (Facebook group)

Other Helpful Resources

Hotline Information

National Suicide Prevention Hotline (1.800.273.8255)

National Crisis Hotline (Text HOME to 741741)

Postpartum Depression Hotline (1.800.PPD-MOMS)